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Microchip Pet Identification

By Shady Oak, LilfeLearn Admin and Home Again

Microchipping is a safe and permanent way to identify your pet in the event that he or she gets lost. It’s is a simple and noninvasive procedure that could end up reuniting you and your pet. The procedure involves your veterinarian or technician inserting a microchip (the size of a grain of rice) beneath the surface of your pet’s skin, between the shoulder blades. It’s similar to them receiving a vaccination and does not require any anesthesia.

How a microchip works

The microchip itself has no internal energy source, so it will last the life of your pet. It is read by passing a microchip scanner over the pet’s shoulder blades. The scanner emits a low radio frequency that provides the power necessary where the chip is located to transmit the microchip’s unique ID code and positively identify the pet1.
When a pet with no ID tag is found a clinic/shelter/rescue group will scan your pet with a microchip scanner to see if they have a microchip. If a chip is found an ID number specific to your pet will show up on the scanner. The clinic/shelter/rescue group will contact Home Again who will provide them with your information and they can then contact you to let you know your pet has been found.

Even the most responsible pet owners can’t always guarantee their pet won’t get lost. A leash/collar could break or slip out of your hand/off your pet’s neck, a pet could push through a screen door or window, or a contractor or friend might accidentally leave a door or gate open. We recommend you use a microchip in conjunction with a collar and ID tag. An ID tag is still a very reliable identification method. Pets that have tags with current contact information are more likely to not end up in shelters and tend to get home faster than those without tags. However, collars and ID tags aren’t permanent and can be removed and pets can lose/break free from them. With a microchip, your pet will have a much better chance of being identified and returned to you.

If you are interested in having your pet microchipped please give us a call and we would be happy to set up an appointment.

Home Again Microchip